
Business Foundation

Start your wedding photography business the right way and save yourself hundreds of hours of work and potentially thousands of dollars in wasted ad spend.

Learn From A Working Professional.



Unlike a lot of other "gurus" out there I'm still actively working as a wedding photographer each and every day. 
Based in Adelaide, South Australia I'm currently shooting 75 weddings a year myself and my company is shooting over 120 per calendar year. 

If you're looking for a course to teach you what settings to use and what flash is best, this isn't for you. 
If you want to start your photography business with a business mindset and the backing to ensure you don't waste thousands of dollars on ads sending people to a non converting website, 

this is for you. 

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Do you want to become a full time wedding photographer but don't know how to start a proper photography business?


Learn how to start a photography business

Want to learn more? 
Watch the video below.
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Wedding Photography Business Foundations

Don't waste hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars on broken websites, wasted exposure and a business name that sucks.
Make sure that you're starting your wedding photography business with the best foundation possible so that as you grow your business can grow with you.


Proven Process

These are the exact steps I took myself, so I know it works.

Step by Step Instructions

I make everything as easy as possible for you guys.

Private Community Support

Join our Patreon for continued support and help along the way.

Lifetime Access

You got this for life, fam.

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Course Content Preview

Module 01

Social Media

In this section we dive into: 

- Naming your business 

- How often you should be posting

- What your Instagram Grid should look like

- The fastest way to grow your audience as of 2024

Module 02

Building A Portfolio

It's incredibly hard to be taken seriously as a photographer if you don't have a portfolio of work to show just how talented you are. 

But, how do you get one if you're just starting out? 
How do you get 10-20 different couples on your Instagram feed if you don't have anything to show? 

We dive into 7 proven ways to build a proper portfolio for free and fast. 

Module 03

Websites, Websites, Websites.

Let's break it down. 
We talk about how your website should be set up. 
How to make your website a lead converting machine. 
We walk through my website step by step. 
What to do and what not to do when it comes to your wedding website. 

Module 04

Cheap Marketing Techniques

So you've built out a killer website, you've got a portfolio, now what? 
We dive into the 2 easiest ways to get your marketing campaigns started and how you can start booking weddings TODAY with literally $0 ad spend. 

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What Others
Have Experienced

Don't take my word for it
"I was losing leads, my ad copy sucked and my website design wasn’t great, with Josh’s advice now I am able to see the gaps in my marketing efforts and fix the issues"

Kalf Productions
"Josh's advice has really streamlined my marketing workflow and sped up my learning curve"
LHG Media

Quit Your Job.



Quit the 9-5

Escape the rat race

*insert other motivating quotes here about working for yourself* 
Seriously though, if you want to start your own business, work heaps but know that all the effort you put in will go to yourself and your family rather than lining the pockets of some corporate dweeb or the manager that sucks the life out of you then it's time you go all in on yourself. 

Stop saying "One Day" and say "today". 

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G'day! I'm Josh Huggett

A professional photographer & videographer.


Where I differ from all the other gurus is that rather than teaching you what setting to use in certain situations I'm here to make sure that you actually get booked in the first place. 

Currently, I shoot 75 weddings a year myself and my company shoots over 120 weddings a year here in ADL while also being a Dad, Educator and Dungeon Master. 
(Those that play D&D will understand how much time that takes 😂) 
In saying that I have way more spare time than most as I'm big on systems, workflows and automation. 

Let me help.

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Are you ready to finally go all in on you?

Stop waiting, it's time. 

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Begin your photography business properly.

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Join the Patreon to be held accountable in our livestreams.

Live Your Best Life

Actually earn some money with your photography.

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